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Create Configuration

Default Configuration

Spider provides a very easy and straight forward way to create a configuration file. Execute following command and it will create a configuration file with default configurations in it.

spider create

Now you can modify available configurations and Spider will use those configs when generating dart code.

Use JSON config file

Though above command creates YAML format for config file, spider also supports JSON format for config file. Use this command to create JSON config file instead of YAML.

spider create --json

No matter which config format you use, JSON or YAML, spider automatically detects it and uses it for code generation.

Generate config in pubspec.yaml

Starting from version 3.0.0, Spider now supports config generation inside pubspec.yaml

spider create --add-in-pubspec

Make sure that you don't already have spider config in your pubspec.yaml file. I won't be able to overwrite it.

Custom Path

Starting from version 3.0.0, Spider now supports config generation at custom path. Provide path to the directory you want to generate spider.yaml file in.

spider create -p ./configs

If you're using custom path for configuration file, then you have to point to it when using spider build command. See Generate Code guide on how to specify custom path for build command.

Remember that the path must always be a directory. Not a file.

Config file precedence

If you have more than one config files, and you don't know which config file is being used by Spider, then this precedence order might help you figure that out!

Spider looks for config file in following precedence order from top to bottom.


  1. Custom path (if provided with build command)
  2. From pubspec.yaml
  3. From project root.

Default Configuration

Here's the default configuration that will be in the config file:

# Generated by Spider

# Generates unit tests to verify that the assets exists in assets directory
generate_tests: true

# Use this to remove vcs noise created by the `generated` comments in dart code
no_comments: true

# Exports all the generated file as the one library
export: true

# This allows you to import all the generated references with 1 single import!
use_part_of: true

# Location where all the generated references will be stored
package: resources

  - path: assets/images
    class_name: Images
    types: [ .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .webp, .webm, .bmp ]

Now that the configuration file is created, it's time to generate some code.